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Opinion and Idea can make one specific style to open new prospects and it will come to us as name of Trends. In the trends of Interior, soft pattern can give comfortable space to have rest for our body and soul. It means that natural oak pattern with various expression way can be one of the trend.

Previously, neat and clean wood grain design was preferred without natural feature of original wood like gnarl and crack. In 2017/18, Wood trend follows expression way with stressed tone and pattern in natural way. 

Wild and Dynamic Wood grain will be new fashion, not normal wave type. The whole atmosphere is changed to faced-centered of annual ring from line-centered. Also, color gradation in faced centered of annual ring can be expressed various type of color and expression way. It can make one of aesthetic factor in wood trend. 

By drastic and deep texture with Brush, real wood grain effect is maximized such as washing effect. Besides, Stone texture like concrete and marble can be another trend. 


Furthermore, texture with printing should be received attention to give realism with natural material. It can be best artificial material instead of natural one.


Theme 1.

Break down the boundaries of the soul.

Out of the line of existing boundaries, we find our selves in a freewheeling sketch.

As the lines in the pattern disappear,

the pattern expresses a smoothly flowing surface like a wave. it brings the image to life with rich color, This reminisces natural and beautiful impression.


Visualize the actual pattern of the object.

By maximizing the reality of the texture, the pattern of texture and three-dimensional effect are created. in addition, by applying sophisticated singing knee, the visual and tactile patterns give specialty to special spaces.

Find another feeling that you didn't feel until now, and share the emotions with somebody.

Theme 2.

Interaction between Hyperrealism and Senses.


Theme 3.

Masterpiece Tinged with Fog.

As the fog permeates, it brings warmth to the space.

The tranquility of calm and lyrical looks begins with modest colors and profound expressions. As the watercolor in the pattern, the expression that permeates into the paper stimulates emotions with the viewer.

These patterns melt into the interior and produce a sense of stability

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